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DFA sessions to improve performance and avoid injury in sports

Habitual holding that was generated when we developed and learnt how to be in the world and move in life, are usually not accessible with physical exercise alone. As you train, you develop enough strength to override the restriction, but, underneath, a part of what you are is held back, without being able to participate in your endeavor to reach your goal and even being an obstacle for it. This easily leads to injury.

The hands-on DFA intervention helps in a very specific manner to become aware of the shape of our body in relationship with the gravitational field of Earth, to discover the tensions which hold you in a strained balance and to let them go in order to find balance based on support. At all times it goes along with what is going on in the body, hydrating dried out muscles and fasciae and feeding the nervous system with sensory information that makes it possible to gain access to the centers that hold habitual tension in place and incite them to let go of the tension that is not needed. Then the space around the gravitational axis of your body is free, you are “at your best” and all your muscles can work together to reach your goal.

DFA sessions to improve performance and avoid injury in sports